Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Alice Peden Standing in the Shoes of Leonardo da Vinci

     Atmospheric perspective in Da Vinci's work involved colors fading more and more toward the atmosphere around them as they got farther and farther from the observer; Da Vinci did this by painting mountains in his works that got bluer and bluer to match the sky as they got farther away. As my drawing is in black and white, I did this in shades of gray: the hills in the foreground are the darkest, the hill in the middle ground (on the right) is a slightly lighter shade (even if it's hard to see), and then the mountains in the background are as white as the sky around them.
     To enhance the change in perspective, I made the road get smaller and smaller as it approaches the vanishing point. The fence (on the right) does the same thing; the posts seem to get shorter and shorter as they approach the vanishing point. There is also a large bush in the extreme foreground (on the left), while the bush at the base of the tree is significantly smaller (since it is closer to the middle ground). I placed the vanishing point where the road, the fence, and the hills all converge (just slightly to the right of the center of the page).

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